High Mountain Expeditions

High Mountain Expeditions, 2-day guided ascent

After being acclimatized to the altitude, you will be ready to climb the most imposing volcanoes of Ecuador guided by ASEGUIM Certified Ecuadorian Mountain Guides

volcano chimborazo montaña

Climbing Chimborazo

Climb the highest mountain on the planet measured from the center of the earth.

volcan cotopaxi 2021

Climbing Cotopaxi

Reach one of the most famous summits in Ecuador and the world in only 2 days.

cayambe refuge

Climbing Cayambe

Climb the third mountain located in the middle of the world in Ecuador.

Volcán Antisana

Climbing Antisana

The Antisana Volcano is the fourth highest elevation in Ecuador, there is no refuge, but camping is allowed.

iliniza sur ecuador

Climbing Iliniza Sur

Considered one of the most technical mountains in Ecuador, climbers require experience in technical ice climbing.


Climbing Iliniza Norte

Iliniza Norte is an easily accessible volcano, ideal to start acclimatization programs for the high mountains in Ecuador.